Republic of Cyprus
Republic of Cyprus - Department of Labour Inspection
REACH > 4. Substances Information Exchange Fora (SIEFs)


4. Substances Information Exchange Fora (SIEFs)

Joining a Substance Information Exchange Fora (SIEF) is a legal obligation of all registrants. SIEFs are formed by companies that intend to register the same substance to facilitate the sharing of information, avoid duplication of new studies and agree on classification and labelling if necessary.

A SIEF is formed for each pre-registered substance with the same identity because companies who pre-register a substance automatically become listed on the pre-SIEF page of this substance.

Each potential registrant will be able to see through the REACH-IT who has pre-registered the same substance, therefore you can become active by communicating with other SIEF members. More information on this procedure is available at the Industry user Manual.

SIEF members need to nominate a Lead Registrant, who will share and assess data and prepare common parts of the registration (joint submission). The company acting as the Lead Registrant will submit the joint submission (JS). The JS is made on behalf of all the registrants. Each registrant then needs to indicate the correct JS name in his own IUCLID 5 dossier together with their company-specific information, which must be submitted separately after the JS has been made.

The data sharing fees which are agreed among the members of each SIEF are paid separately and additionally of the fees which are paid to ECHA for the submission of a joint registration.

More information on SIEFs is available here as well as in the Guidance on Data Sharing.


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