Department of Labour

Applications by Employers

According to the current policy, the Department of Labour examines applications employers for the employment of foreigners, provided that the criteria and procedures agreed between the social partners are met.

The major categories of companies for which applications are examined, are the following:
1. Local Enterprises
2. Local companies with foreign investment

Local Enterprises

The applications for employment of foreigners by local enterprises are submitted to the District Labour Offices, which are entitled to ascertain that the following criteria are met:
a. Non-availability of suitably qualified local personnel (Cypriot or European citizens); in order to satisfy the specific needs of the employers.
b. Saving and better utilization of the local labour force.
c. Improvement of working conditions at the workplace.
d. Terms and conditions of employment of foreigners should be the same as those for Cypriots.

Cypriot employers who secure initial approval for the employment of a certain number of foreigners, from the Department of Labour, can then submit an application to the Department of Civil Registry & Migration for the employment of specific foreigners.

Work permits are granted by the Director of Civil Registry & Migration Department

Companies with Foreign Investment

This text is not available at the moment due to changes in the procedure.

- Companies with foreign investment - Application for employment of Aliens by Companies with foreign investment
- Companies with foreign investment - Procedure followed for the first issue of TRE permits for the expatiate employees of Companies with foreign investment
- Companies with foreign investment- Contract of Employment
- Local Enterprises Contract - Agriculture _ Animal Farming
- Local Enterprises Contract - Agriculture _ Animal Farming (without accommodation & meals)
- Local Enterprises Contract - General
- Local Enterprises Contract - Tourist Industry
- Local Enterprises Contract of employment

Public Employment Services Online Platform

Public Employment Services

Department of Labour- Single Digital Gateway

EU Talent Pool Pilot



Erasmus +





Government Web Portal