Republic of Cyprus
Social Insurance Services

International Relations

Council of Europe

The Social Insurance Services has close ties with the Council of Europe which was founded after the Second World War. The Council’s aim is the close cooperation between its members for the safeguarding and development of the shared ideals and principles as well as the safeguarding of their economical and social progress.

Cyprus has, within the policy framework of offering the best possible and protection in the social and labour field, ratified all the major conventions of the Council of Europe. More specifically it has ratified:
  • The European Social Charter of 1961, which complements the protection of civil and political rights which are provided in the European Human Rights Convention.
  • The amending protocol of the Charter of 1991, which improved the supervisory mechanism of the Charter.
  • The supplementary protocol of 1995 which provides for a collective complaints system.
  • The revised Social Charter of 1996, which has revised and completed the substantial protection that the Charter of 1961 provides through the addition of new fundamental articles, and
  • The European Code of Social Security of 1964.

The Department of Social Insurance Services submits reports to the Council of Europe for the implementation of the European Social Charter and the European Code of Social Security. Officers of the Department of Social Insurance Services participate to the Committes of Experts of the Council of Europe which examine important issues that fall within the scope of competencies of the Department.

SIS Digital Services

Pay your contributions over the Internet


Government Web Portal

Your Europe

Statistical Data

E.U. Social Security Coordination

Internal Market Information System (IMI)

Your Europe

The Cyprus Social Insurance Scheme

PostGraduate Management Diploma Programme

Electronic Exchange of Social Security Information (EESSI)

EESSI Public Access Interface

