Hide details for 1. The provision of equal pay for equal work or work of equal value1. The provision of equal pay for equal work or work of equal value

Any gender discrimination is prohibited as concerns all elements and terms of pay for similar work or for work which generates the same value. Where an occupational classification system is used to determine wages, this must be based on common criteria for both men and women workers and it must be designed so as to prevent any gender discrimination. Comparisons between workers shall be made in reference to workers who are working or have worked for the same employer or another affiliated company of the same group of companies in the 2 previous years or the next 2 years.

Show details for 2. Criteria for the comparison and evaluation of work2. Criteria for the comparison and evaluation of work

Show details for 3. Process for the submission of complaints for citizens of Cyprus and of Member States3. Process for the submission of complaints for citizens of Cyprus and of Member States

Show details for 4. Duty to inform4. Duty to inform

Hide details for 5. Employee protection5. Employee protection

The dismissal or discriminatory treatment by the employer of anyone on the grounds that they have submitted a complaint or given testimony or participated in the prosecution of an offender or taken any other measures based on the Law is forbidden.

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Last Update: 26/09/2023 09:56:28 AM

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