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European Union
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Posted Workers
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International Labour Organisation
Legislation Guides and other publications
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Complaint Form
Anonymous Complaint Form
Mediation in
Labour Disputes
The Mediation Process
Industrial Relations Code
Labour Disputes in Essential Services
Online Mediation Application
Labour Disputes Statistics
Trade Unions
Registry Service
Trade Union Registrar
Trade Union's Registry / Statistics
Equal Pay & Work-Life Balance
Reduction of the Wage Gap Between Men and Women
National Certification Body for the Implementation of Good Practices on Gender Equality in the Working Environment
Work-Life Balance for parents and carers
Driving and Resting Hours of the Drivers-Tachograph
The law at a glance
Legislation guides, other publications and videos
Frequently Asked Questions
Other Departments involved in the implementation of legislation
Complaint and contact inforamtion
10. Parental Leave and Leave on Grounds of Force Majeure
Αρχική Σελίδα
/ Legislation /
Frequently Asked Questions
/ 10. Parental Leave and Leave on Grounds of Force Majeure
1. Who is entitled to parental leave? Are there any exceptions?
2. What is the total duration of parental leave? Are there any exceptions?
3. How is parental leave taken? Is notice required before taking it?
4. Does the employer have the right to reject the parental leave request?
5. Can parental leave be used in flexible ways?
6. Is an allowance paid during parental leave?
7. What is carers’ leave and who is entitled to it?
8. What does the right to absence for reasons of force majeure concern?
9. Does taking parental leave, carers’ leave or being absent for reasons of force majeure affect my employment rights?
10. Does the employer have the right to treat me less favourably or to dismiss me on the reason of taking parental leave, carers’ leave, or because of my absence due to force majeure?
11. Does an employee have the right to request flexible working arrangements*, for work-life balance purposes?
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