Department of Labour Relations
Part-time employees are entitled to at least 4 weeks of annual leave, the same as full-time employees.

Example 1: An employee who works on a part-time basis 3 days a week, and the corresponding full-time employee in the same company works 5 days a week, both are entitled to at least 4 weeks of paid annual leave. The part-time employee is entitled to 3 days of each week, i.e. 12 days a year, and the full-time employee is entitled to 5 days of each week, i.e. a total of 20 days a year.

Example 2: An employee who works on a part-time basis for 20 hours a week and the corresponding full-time employee in the same company works 40 hours a week, they are both entitled to at least 4 weeks of paid annual leave. The part-time employee is entitled to 4 weeks of 20 hours each, i.e. a total of 80 working hours, while the full-time employee is entitled to 4 weeks of 40 hours each, i.e. a total of 160 working hours.