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Republic of Cyprus
International Relations

International Labour Organisation (ILO)

The International Labour Organization (ILO) is the oldest, specialized organization that was established by the United Nations. It is composed of the International Labour Conference, the Governing Body and the International Labour Office.

The International Labour Conference is the highest authority of the ILO. It elects the Governing Body, adopts the budget of the Organization, establishes and adopts labour standards in the form of Conventions, Recommendations and Protocols and acts as a forum where social and labour questions of great importance to the entire world are discussed. The Governing Body is the executive council of the ILO. It formulates the Organization’s policy and puts together the programme of the International Labour Conference. The International Labour Office is the permanent secretariat of the International Labour Organization and its’ research centre.

Cyprus became a member of the International Labour Organization in 1960. The Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance is appointed to act as a liaison between the Republic of Cyprus and the Organization. Cyprus has ratified 53 conventions.

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Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance,
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