Department of Labour Relations

The Department of Labour Relations is responsible for mediating in labour disputes in the private and semi-government sector.

The mediation process can be summarised as the efforts undertaken by the mediator to convince each side, i.e. the trade-union and the employer's side, to change their initial position with a view to bringing both sides closer, so that the dispute can be settled. It should be stressed that the mediator has no authority to decide on how the dispute should be settled, and does not try to convince the two sides to accept the settlement he/she believes most appropriate. Essentially the mediator works towards achieving the settlement which will be accepted by both sides.

Of course at the same time, the mediator must not ignore the safeguarding of public interest and works towards convincing trade-unions and employers on finding ways to deal with any arising problems during the mediation process, with a view to maximizing the general well being both for the Cyprus economy, but also for the society at large.

The procedures followed during the mediation in a labour dispute and the types of labour disputes for which the Department may be called upon to mediate are laid out in the Industrial Relations Code. For more information concerning the Industrial Relations Code, press here.