Department of Labour

Forms / Applications

Aiming at a more effective and efficient delivery of services, you have the opportunity to select and download the application that might interest you. After filling in the application form, you can either send it (by post or email) or deliver it by hand to the District Labour Office of your area.

The Service for the Care and Rehabilitation of the Disabled informs you that unfortunately all relevant application forms are available only in Greek.

Hide details for [<span class="simpletitle"><b>]Employment and Industrial Training Section[</span>][</b>][<br>]Employment and Industrial Training Section
Αρχείο Acrobat Reader Vacancy Form
Αρχείο Acrobat Reader Aplication for Cypriots who wish to repatriate and find a job in Cyprus
Αρχείο Word Declaration Form concerning the Temporary Provision of Services in the Republic of Cyprus
Show details for [<span class="simpletitle"><b>]Employment of Aliens Service[</span>][</b>][<br>]Employment of Aliens Service

Public Employment Services Online Platform

Public Employment Services

Department of Labour- Single Digital Gateway

EU Talent Pool Pilot



Erasmus +





Government Web Portal